Rent-a-Cube: Azure Analysis Services
Why buy a car when you can lease one for less? Why pay for that car to sit unused on your driveway when you can uber on demand? The buy vs. lease decision is now part of your BI projects with the new Azure Analysis Services. Do you buy a server, buy a SQL license, install software, apply patches, and monitor the server? Or do you rent Azure Analysis Services where you can provision in seconds, scale up and down, and let Microsoft monitor the service for you? This demo-heavy session will deep dive into the new cloud version of Analysis Services. Walking through development, deployment, data sources, processing, authentication, and client tools like Power BI you will see how Azure Analysis Services is similar and how it is different that your father’s Analysis Services.
Greg Galloway
2 RecordingsGreg Galloway is a BI architect with Artis Consulting in Dallas, Texas and a Microsoft Data Platform MVP. He is a coordinator on open-source projects including BI Developer Extensions (formerly BIDS Helper), the Analysis Services Stored Procedure project, and OLAP PivotTable Extensions. He was a co-author of the Analysis Services Tabular Performance Guide.
Recorded At:
- SQL Saturday 127 Recordings
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More Info:
- SSAS 4 Recordings