Programming The Bing API


It seemed that Bing came out of nowhere. Even Microsoft MVPs, who are privileged to product information earlier than most were surprised by the release of the new search engine. Well, Bing really does seem to be holding its own and even standing out above other engines in many ways. But part of the great thing about a search engine is the ability for us to leverage them from beyond just the web browser. I of course refer to the ability to access their services from our own applications. Bing exposes a great API to do just that, and I don't mean just the simple ability to perform text searches. I also refer to image, video, and many specialty searches. In this session, I'll show you how to access the Bing API and perform all its great functionality from within your own applications, and I'll do this using another great Microsoft technology, WCF. WCF has the ability to act upon both SOAP and REST so it's great for not only writing APIs but for consuming outside APIs as well. Come see how. And as a bonus, maybe I'll wrap some of this stuff into some custom controls too.


  • Miguel Castro

    4 Recordings

    Whether playing on the local Radio Shack’s TRS-80 or designing systems for clients around the globe, Miguel has been writing software since he was 12 years old. He insists on staying heavily involved and up-to-date on all aspects of software application design & development, and projects that diversity onto the type of training and consulting he provides to his customers and believes that it’s never just about understanding the technologies, but how technologies work together. In fact, it is on this concept that Miguel based two of his Pluralsight courses, Building End-to-End Multi-Client Service Oriented Applications, which was #1 for several weeks, and Developing Extensible Sotware. Miguel is a Microsoft MVP since 2005 and when he’s not consulting or training, Miguel speaks at conferences around the world, practices combining on-stage tech and comedy, and never misses a Formula 1 race. But best of all, he’s the proud father of a very tech-savvy 10 year old girl, and a proud husband to the woman that homeschools her.

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Aug 13, 2011

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