Practical Application of Storytelling Techniques in Power BI


In data visualization, we are inundated with the idea that we should be telling a story. But what is a story? And how do you use visual properties and navigation to tell a story? Join Meagan Longoria for this discussion of storytelling in data visualization and demonstration of storytelling techniques.


  • Meagan Longoria

    3 Recordings
    Meagan Longoria is a Microsoft Data Platform MVP living in Denver, Colorado. She is an experienced consultant and trainer who has worked with the Microsoft Data Platform for over 15 years. She enjoys creating solutions in Azure and Power BI that make data useful for decision makers and make the lives of information workers a little bit easier. Meagan enjoys sharing her knowledge with the technical community by speaking at conferences and user groups, blogging, and sharing tips and helpful links on social media.

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Feb 10, 2021

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