MVVM with Xamarin.Forms


Xamarin.Forms is a new framework that allows mobile application developers to write portable apps for Android, iOS, and Windows Phone with nearly 100% reusable code while still maintaining a native look and feel for each platform. This talk will cover the basics of using Xamarin.Forms from building a basic application using XAML and MVVM to using custom renderers to customize the application for each platform.


  • Adam Kemp

    6 Recordings

    Adam Kemp is a Xamarin MVP and a Principal Software Architect at National Instruments with 3 years of Xamarin experience. He has been a tech lead on several large Xamarin-based mobile applications including Data Dashboard (iOS and Android), VirtualBench (iOS), and EV3 Programming (iOS). You can find him on Twitter (@TheRealAdamKemp), his blog (, and on the Xamarin Forums (adamkemp).

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Recorded on:

May 31, 2015

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