JOINS for fun and profit


(Disclaimer: This talk is not for anyone who always writes a perfect JOIN statement from the very start) There are many different ways to join data between objects. Sometimes there is a clear best way. Other times, there are several different ways. Often those different ways are just a matter of style because the compiler understands what is going on and can translate them all down to the same performant execution plan. We'll look at different styles of joins and many different ways to use and abuse them, all for fun and learning to make you a better sql developer.


  • Mike Burek

    16 Recordings
    Mike Burek has worked with SQL Server for 25 years. Throughout his career, he has often worked with marketing data. From this, he has experience with various tools for ETL as the industry and programming has changed and matured over time. On the SQL Server side, he has held senior positions in database administration and database programming, focusing on optimization, automation, and increasing the value of data. Outside of work, he also runs the Austin SQL Server user group and makes a big effort to train others to help them grow in their careers.

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Apr 19, 2022

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  • SQL 28 Recordings