In Memory OLTP
One of the most exciting new features in SQL Server 2014 is the ability to move your tables into memory. This sessions focuses on this in-memory OLTP capability. The session takes a practical look at in-memory OLTP, including its strengths and weaknesses, and gives practical guidance for using in-memory tables in SQL Server 2014. The session will use the latest CTP, so there are limitations in some of the features. Futures will be discussed where confirmed by Microsoft.
Gregory Beamer
1 RecordingGreg is a consummate geek who likes to live on the bleeding edge. He is currently working with Windows 8.1, Visual Studio 2013 and SQL Server 2014, all in Preview or CTP. Greg is one of the longest awarded Microsoft MVPs (Most Valuable Professionals), first receiving the award in 1998. He is also working on a course with Pluralsight that will be published later this summer. Greg is currently employed by UST Global as a senior architect where he works in the retail, media & entertainment and healthcare verticals. Greg has worked with SQL Server since version 6.5. Greg has lived in the Nashville area since 1997 and when he is not on the road performing geek duties, he spends time with his wife and four daughters in the Bellevue area of Nashville, Tennessee.
Recorded At:
- Austin .NET UG 56 Recordings
Recorded on:
More Info:
- SQL Server 14 Recordings