Demystifying JSON in SQL Server
JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) is a highly popular format for storing and transferring data, especially in the realm of web development. JSON can sometimes be intimidating for those more familiar with tabular or XML data exchange formats. We’ll demystify JSON with a high-level overview of the format. We’ll then discuss the variety of built-in T-SQL functionality available to store, query, or even generate JSON within your SQL Server databases.
Kristin Ferrier
1 RecordingKristin is a software developer, business intelligence developer, and data architect with 10+ years SQL Server experience. She speaks frequently at local user groups with regional speaking credits including Tulsa Tech Fest and SQL Saturday Dallas.
Recorded At:
- SQL Saturday 127 Recordings
Recorded on:
Aug 25, 2018
More Info:
- SQL Server 14 Recordings