DBA Survival Guide: Daily Checklist and Server Monitoring


You are responsible for the health and welfare of the servers, and the databases under your command. What should you check daily? How about weekly? Should you automate? We will discuss all these things, and how having a Daily Checklist, and monitoring your server will help you maintain balance in the galaxy.


  • AJ Mendo

    1 Recording

    AJ is DBA in Austin, Texas. He has worked with databases for 15+ years and has a variety of experiences, having worked for military, civilian organizations, and the federal government. His main interests are in high availability, disaster recovery, with a minor in database performance analysis, and tuning. He is an active member of CACTUSS and a habitual PASS volunteer. He gives his time freely to SQL Events by speaking and sharing his experiences and loves being a part of the SQL Community.

Recorded At:

Recorded on:

Feb 16, 2016

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  • DBA 2 Recordings