Crazy Web Performance with Azure Static Web Apps


One of the key platforms for building crazy performant web application is to use statically generated pages. A ton of systems exist for building these types of apps: like Jekyll, Gatsy, Gridsome, and more. If you're supporting the Microsoft ecosystem though, deploying these types of applications typically happen in two ways: Azure App Services or Azure Blob Storage. Both ways work, but have drawbacks for static sites. In this session, you'll learn about the new Azure Static Web Apps platform and how you can get the best of all worlds in terms of performance and functionality.


  • Kevin Griffin

    3 Recordings
    Kevin Griffin is an author, teacher, mentor, and consultant focusing in software development. He is also an 13-time Microsoft MVP, specializing in ASP.NET, Microsoft Azure, and web application development. As an independent consultant, Kevin specializes in helping businesses push their technology stacks into the 21st century. You can often find Kevin speaking at conferences and user groups across the country or blogging at

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Aug 25, 2020

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