Build Flappy Bird in 50 Minutes


You have your choice of thousands of Flappy Bird knockoffs on any platform you want. But you can do it better than those guys! Learn how to build Flappy Bird for Android, iOS, and Windows Phone with one common C# code base using MonoGame.

You will learn how to maximize the code reuse across platforms. You will see how to abstract control structures to work best on the target platform. You will explore physics, game play, and graphics options to make the game as fun -- or frustrating -- as you like.

Bird's gonna flap. Build your app!


  • Michael L Perry

    23 Recordings
    Software is math. Every class is a theorem. The compiler is the proof. And unit tests check our work. Michael wrote The Art of Immutable Architecture, a book on applying mathematics to building distributed systems. Learn more at Michael has recorded Pluralsight courses on Distributed Systems, XAML Patterns, and Cryptography, in addition to Provable Code. Formerly a Microsoft MVP for seven years, he maintains the spoon-bending Assisticant and Jinaga open-source libraries. You can find his videos about distributed systems at And he helps his clients at Improving benefit from the power of software mathematics.

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Sep 26, 2014

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