Analysis Services is in Azure? Seriously!? Let's build a model!


Have you used SSAS before? Have you created reports using T-SQL and Group by? Are you interested in Power BI? Do you you have a need for analysis services but don't want to have to deal with the hassle of buying and installing a server? Is your organization using Office 365? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you might need Azure Analysis Services. The wait is almost over! Azure Analysis services is the platform as a service version of the wildly popular Analysis Services Tabular product. Join Phillip as he builds and deploys an Azure Analysis services solution.


  • Phillip Labry

    1 Recording

    Phillip Labry is a Senior BI Consultant and Trainer at Pragmatic Works with over 20 years experience in SQL Server and over 30 in IT. He has been lucky enough to work on data projects spanning telecom, banking, retail, law enforcement, health care, insurance, financial services and energy sectors. As a national consultant at Pragmatic Works he provides training and builds solutions utilizing the full MS BI stack. He is an active member of the Madison, WI PASS chapter and speaks at events in the USA and Canada.

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Jun 17, 2017

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