Unit Testing


Unit Testing is now considered a required skill for developers. There are a ton of tools out there. However, there’s nothing that shows you how to tie them all together to make your software fast, testable, and flexible. This talk will go over my toolset: MSTest, Moq – Mocking framework, NCover – for coverage, MSBuild – for automation, Unity – for dependency injection. This talk will have a lot of code… a lot. You will come away with a stronger appreciation of how unit testing will improve the quality of your software.


  • Barrett Simms

    1 Recording

    Barrett Simms is a senior management and technology expert with over 2 decades in software product development. He has overseen project management, software development processes, and technology for the last 10 years. He focuses on the business of software development leading to reduced cost, time-to-market, and high quality. He is a prolific technology writer and presenter on advanced Agile practice management and core software development fundamentals. During his spare time, you can find him in his personal electronic lab creating hardware prototypes. He serves as the Lead Solution Architect at ClearLaunch in Austin, TX.

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Mar 14, 2016

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