MVC6 – What You Need to Know When Moving to Next


Say goodbye to System.Web! If you could drop a box of TNT on the ASP.NET stack and start over, what would it look like? Fewer dependencies, faster builds and viewing changes without compiling? Check! A composable, injectable, self-hostable stack? Check! The MVC 6 Framework has several new features, but these aren’t only skin-deep. In this session we’ll walk through the MVC pipeline, expose the new parts and discuss what the internal changes mean to the development of applications down the road.


  • James Chambers

    2 Recordings

    An active member in the ASP.NET development community, James speaks at conferences, user groups, and brown-bag lunches. Now a four-time Microsoft MVP in ASP.NET/IIS, he shares his programming experiences and knowledge with kids aged 9-14 through local school division programs.

    His background includes projects in energy companies, telecommunications, sports entertainment, transportation, and more. He has lead development teams in web & cloud-enabled applications as well as mobile and stand-alone desktop apps.

    In addition to spending time with his family, you can find James hammering away at his blog at or volunteering with local and national charities to help fight poverty and Type 1 Diabetes. When that’s not the case, he’s likely digging in the secret tunnels of the Canadian Prairies, writing articles on MSDN or occasionally appearing on Microsoft Virtual Academy as a presenter or community SME.

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Sep 26, 2015

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